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Troop 78 Colton, New York

Summer 2006  50 mile Canoe Trip into St. Regis Canoe area

The troop went to the Saint Regis Canoe Area this summer on a 50 mile ride through the adirondacks. We spent 8 days paddling through some of the most beautiful area in the United States. We started in Hoel Pond and made our way through Slang and into Square pond.We spent our first night on Long Pond. The next day (2)we move on to our first carry. It was 1 mile long and did not pose much of a threat. On the second day we went through Floodwood on into Rollins pond and tooled around there looking at all the ducks and other wildlife, some of us fishing along the way. We then went on back through to Floodwood to spend the night. Day 3 had us going to several ponds along our way to Fish creek ponds. We ended our day on Follensby Pond with our next day (4) having a 1/2 mile carry. The trip to the carry was not that long and soon we were on our way with the gear. It was ALOT harder than our previous carry and took us much longer. Our bodies are starting to wear out. Our next day (5) was pretty much hanging out and we canoe to a few of the smaller ponds and do a loop through Green, polliwog, Little Pollywog, Horseshoe Pond. We then headed out the next day (day 6) on our way through to Upper saranac lake. We spend the night by Saganaw Bay. Day 7 we camped on Middle Saranac lake at a paying site. We actually got to see our first conservation officer. We headed out for our last day on the water heading on down through to Lower Saranac. We actually got to go through a lock system that lowered us down through a small chamber. Really nice looking. All Adirondack style building and everything!! We ended up at the boat launch on route 3 where we had our cars parked and was relived to be back. Awsome trip and would suggest it to most anybody. Email us if you would like more information!!!

Here goes nothing!!!
Can you say "Stake Down"

Cozy in that tent.Hope they brought deodorant!

St. Regis Canoe area

sitting around the fire relaxing after some hard paddling